For more information about Beverly Hills Mutual Water Company Rates and Fees, visit their website here.
Beverly Hills Mutual Water Company
614 North Tejon Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Office : (719) 447-1777
Rate Sheet for the Beverly Hills Mutual Water Company Effective 6/24/2021
Residential water bills are sent bi-monthly for water consumed through the two-month
periods ending the last day of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
The billing for each period includes a flat rate plus an overage charge for any water used
in excess of 12,000 gallons during that period.
Water bills are due upon receipt. A late fee for any unpaid balance will be incurred after
the last day of the billing month. The late fee will be charged every month until the
balance has been paid in full unless special arrangements have been made with the water
Flat Rate Fee: $150 Bimonthly
Fee for Usage Over 12,000 Gallons: $3 per 1000 gallons
Late Fee: $10 per month
Shut Off Notice Fee: $50 when we deliver a shutoff notice
Tap Fee: $20,000 for a 3/4” tap
Shut Off Fee: $150
Turn On Fee: $150
Stock Transfer Fee – When the House Changes Hands: $25